Monday, 25 March 2013

So why this blog?

As a type of short introduction to get this blog up and running, I want to just say why I am doing it. In all honesty this blog is more or less for personal release and gratification. I spend too much of my time obsessing about spirituality; I over think, Annalise and argue about many spiritual and religious ideas. I do all this in my own head because I don't fully think any one is really listening or even cares. ( except, I suppose, the Divine in what ever form they my be...)

So this blog is intended to be a small corner of the vastness of the electronic and digital world where I can put all these thoughts, insights and spiritual ideas and devotions; not so much for others to read and debate or argue but for my own peace of mind. I want people to read my words and ideas, (that is what writing is for really) and hopefully find inspiration. But I am not writing for others, I am writing for me, firstly because I want to write and secondly because I have a lot to say on this path and way of life and would rather it was out of my head! Not everyone will agree with my views and that is a good thing. The Divine love diversity. If nature and humanity is a reflection of the divine "In His image He created them...", and the world is obviously diverse so then the Divine must share in that diversity?

If you do stumble on this blog understand that nothing I write is absolute and some things may not have an historical or Traditional validity in terms of theology and established religion. I will however strive to reference as thoroughly as I can and research what I write when I write about other faiths and historical contexts.  What I will mainly write is my own personal insights into a spiritual path I am walking. However, I will write about religions that I have a close connection to spiritually. Namely, Christianity ( from both Anglican/catholic views and extreme Protestant because I have experience of both and wont lie, I will always be a devoted friend of the Anglican communion (catholic) Christian faith...), Modern Paganism, (modern) Polytheism and Reconstruction traditions (because this is more or less that path a walk now), Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese and Japanese Traditional religion and many of the folk mystic a spiritual practices that will always be in the world in some form or another. Again the spirituality of this writing comes from my own insights and spiritual compulsion. I will say it is a motivation of the Spirit, but I will not say these are the words of the Divine because no words ever written by humanity, saints, prophets or otherwise is ever the actual words of the Divine because all humanity is inherently imperfect, however blessed, enlightened or 'touched by God' they may be; as are their written words. (This in no way invalidates the writings/sayings of saints, sages or prophets. Their insight is and was a valid insight for their age and ours, more or less)  With that said the written words can be an insight to the experience of the Divine and that is what I hope for here. I hope this can be a positive place for others to find their own personal spiritual insights on their Mystic Pathways.