Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Love for all on ST Valentine's day

So I have been reading and following recently the issues surrounding the place of human sexuality and marriage within the Church of England. As there is a lot out there that is either negative to the Church's stance on the issue or to those who believe otherwise or in favour of the church allowing same sex marriage I want to share my thoughts a short prayer I wrote to St Valentine.

According to tradition St Valentine was a Bishop in ancient Rome who secretly married couples when the emperor at the time out lawed marriage, St Valentine was someone who fought for the sacrament of marriage and for those lovers to be aloud to have a sacred union and to celebrate there love. Now obviously I don’t for one moment think St Valentine, were he alive now, would support same sex marriages in the Church, it would be lovely if he did! nor do I personally worry if the Church of England will make allowances for gay marriages to be celebrated in the Church, if they do great, if not then they have stuck to their convictions of their cannon laws and doctrines and the church should be commended for that not ridiculed.

As a gay man who would love to be married to my partner in church and to have my faith publicly celebrate my love and relationship, this would be the biggest blessing ever; but I'm not worried if that day never happens because the church has, in  my experience anyway, come pretty far in its acceptance of her faithful homosexuals and our relationship with the Divine. Lets not force things to be done quickly but, in a spirit of love, let things develop slowly and with a foundation in the continuity of the church's history, traditions and reason. I think it is also important to stress that allowing same sex couples to marry in a religious context does not destroy the sanctity of marriage or its holiness but fulfils it and affirms it. Marriage as a holy sacrament should be available for all if they wish it. (this is all my own opinion based on my faith and personl hopes and views)

St Valentine
Dear Saint and Martyr
You who taught the importance of love
And the Sacrament of Marriage, who in
Opposition to the law of your time married those Forbidden from this sacrament,

Please pray to Almighty God that in our time
The blessing of Love and Marriage can be a sacrament Available to all and that none should be Forbidden from its holiness.

St Valentine Pray for us who have recourse to thee